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04 Jul 2012

4th July 2012: The taste of J.W Blyth

S J Peploe, ‘Flowers and Fruit’ from the John Blyth Collection

The taste of J W Blyth : The Scottish Gallery, 16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh 4-28 July 2012.

John Waldegrave Blyth who once held the largest private collection of Scottish art. It included an abundance of Scottish Colourist work. There were 237 paintings in the entire collection, including 84 Samuel Peploes, 45 McTaggarts and 24 by Walter Sickerts.

The exhibition and subsequent catalogue publications explores his collection, and delves more into the personal life of the industrious fife manufacturer with a love of collecting.

Amongst other things an unsuccessful proposal for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

A series of events hosted by Eastside Projects, Birmingham, 4 July – 6 September, 2009 ; Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, 2 October – 13 November 2010 ; Fettes College, Edinburgh, 5 – 28 August 2011.

A call for artists to take the lead — Gavin Wade, the director of Eastside Projects sends the artists the Eastside Projects’ requirements — Francis McKee, the director of the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, explains how CCA flourishes — A conversation between the artists and Gavin Wade on the occasion of Eastside Projects’ public evaluation event — A proposal for the 2012 cultural olympiad — The minutes of a steering group meeting at Fettes College, Edinburgh — A conversation overheard in the foyer of the Centre for Contemporary Arts — A volunteer leads a tour of the Fettes College grounds.


Cover page for ‘ Amongst Other Things: An unsuccessful proposal for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Published in 2012.