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09 Aug 2022

“Airport U-turn over Picasso’s nude woman”

Pablo Picasso, Nude Woman in a Red Armchair 1932 (Tate), see here

“BOSSES at Edinburgh Airport have been forced to rethink a decision to cover up a poster of a naked woman advertising an exhibition of Picasso artworks. Management had covered the image of the Spanish master’s Nude Woman in a Red Armchair with a sheet after some passengers travelling through the international departure lounge complained. The print – publicising the Picasso and Modern British Art exhibition which opened last week at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art – was later removed from view. The airport then asked for another work from the exhibition, which runs until November 4, to be used as an alternative. However last night, after the gallery described the complaints as bizarre, airport chiefs put the print back on display. (The Herald, 9 August 2012)