“Bronze brings together outstanding works from antiquity to the present. The exhibition features stunning Ancient Greek, Roman and Etruscan bronzes, through to rare survivals from the Medieval period. The Renaissance is represented by the works of artists such as Ghiberti, Donatello, Cellini, and later Giambologna, De Vries and others. Bronzes by Rodin, Boccioni, Picasso, Jasper Johns, Moore, Beuys and Bourgeois are representative of the best from the 19th century to today.” (from the Royal Academy website)
“… technical matters are outlined in a separate room in the show at the Royal Academy which otherwise in its grand enfilade of rooms undidactically celebrates art itself. Chronology and geography, those handrails of recognition and appreciation, are ignored in a bold series of thematic gatherings … There is no thesis and the refreshing emphasis is on showing rather than telling, defying the current trend for exhibitions which are books in diguise” (Tom Phillips in The Times Literary Supplement, 5 October 2012)