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23 Apr 2012

23rd April: “Saudi Arabia welcomes modern British art”

semi-abstract and surreal landscape image, dominated by browns and yellows, to the top a black globe surrounded by yellow petals - a sunflower and a kind of sun
Paul Nash, Eclipse of the Sunflower (1945). Photo: British Council

“The British Council has organised the first modern and contemporary British art exhibition in Saudi Arabia. ‘Out of Britain’ will open at the National Museum in Riyadh with more than 50 works on the theme of the British landscape, drawn from the British Council collection (23 April-23 May). Curators from the National Museum of Riyadh have helped select the works.” (Art Newspaper, April 2012)

The exhibition went on to appear at Athr Gallery, Jeddah,Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Science & Technology Center, Al Kohbar, Contemporary Art Platform, Kuwait, and Bait Al Zubair Museum, Oman, during 2012. See here.