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Our Values

We want the British Art Network to be a community that connects and sustains our Members, helping them explore and share their learning, knowledge, skills and expertise. We aim to be flexible so we can respond to our Members’ needs in an open, timely and inclusive way and are alert to emerging issues and ideas.

All the activities and communications we support or deliver should be open-minded and welcoming, reflecting a range of perspectives and experiences while also creating common ground.

To help achieve this we aim to remove barriers to access across our programming and published content.

As a team we want to learn and improve on an ongoing basis. This includes commissioning consultations and evaluation, conducting surveys and continually asking for feedback. If you have comments to share, or would like to tell us about experiences or ideas which you think are relevant to our work, do get in touch.

We aim to achieve greater access, inclusion, representation and equity. We want to ensure that these aims are fully embedded in our planning, programming and budgeting rather than treated as separate issues.

Our hope is that our commitments to making the programme accessible, representative and inclusive are demonstrated in our practices and published content, and apparent as well in the way we talk about ourselves and our activities.

On this page you can find out more about our expectations for events. For technical information about the standards we follow with our website, please see here.

Access and Inclusion in our Programme

We now issue pre-programme surveys for all bursary holders before they start their activity, to assist us in identifying and removing potential barriers and improving access.

Across BAN’s programme of live and online activity we ask for baseline accessibility provision. This covers venues, communication and planning.

Our baseline access provision requires:

  • wheelchair accessible venues
  • accessible toilets
  • gender-neutral toilets
  • quiet room at venues
  • captioning for online events and recorded content
  • agendas sent out in advance of events/meetings
  • minimum 10-minute break within every hour (NB. 5 minutes is not accessible)
  • continual signposting of the agenda during events
  • alt text for all digital images (on websites, social media, documents)

If you require any further information or clarification about any of these points, please contact the BAN team.

Beyond the core provision outlined above, BAN expects anyone planning activities supported by the Network to:

  • include a question about access requirements/adjustments in booking forms for events
  • market events and put a deadline on bookings far enough in advance to meet any requests made

We acknowledge that financial barriers can be an obstacle to achieving greater inclusion. We now provide some financial support for individuals involved in delivering BAN’s programme, and we are keeping the level and nature of this support under review.

BAN views fees for speakers and contributors as serving towards the aim of equity and access, and enabling participation. Bursary holders organising BAN events can decide when a fee for an invited speaker/facilitator would be appropriate. We would not expect fees to be paid where speakers/facilitators are contributing within their normal working hours or research practice. Fees might be offered where contributions are substantive and where speakers/facilitators are independent/freelancers or members contributing outside their normal work. Recommended fees based on recent BAN practice would be:

Speaker Fee: £100–£250

Facilitator / Chair Fee: £250–£500

Written Commission: £50–£100 per 500 words

Should you wish to discuss this, or if have ideas on how BAN can move further towards equitable practice in this area, do please get in touch.