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Steering Group & Governance

The Steering Group provides oversight on the BAN programme, membership and other activities. It provides a sounding-board for new proposals from the BAN team and assesses bursary applications on an annual basis. It provides a forum for reporting and assessing activity across the Network and makes recommendations for making BAN more inclusive and representative in its programme, membership and organisational structures.

The Steering Group is chaired by Directors from Tate and the Paul Mellon Centre. The members of the group serve 2-year terms, extendable to 4 years. They include representatives of the BAN Emerging Curators Group, Tate and the Paul Mellon Centre. The group also includes at least 8 other members who are curators and researchers in the field of British art not based at Tate or the Paul Mellon Centre, and not currently in receipt of a BAN bursary. All have relevant practical experience of working with UK museums, galleries, heritage or higher education.

In 2024 the BAN Steering Group comprises 12 members:

Bryan Biggs, Cicely Robinson, Cora Gilroy-Ware, David Dibosa, Jessica Wan, Maria Fusco, Pauline de Souza, Reyahn King, Rhona Sword, Richard Sandell, Sria Chatterjee, and Tony Heaton.