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Gill Crawshaw

Gill Crawshaw is a curator who draws on her experience of disability activism to organise art exhibitions and events which highlight issues affecting disabled people.

Gill has curated exhibitions which have addressed representation of disabled artists and access (Possible All Along, 2020), charity (Piss on Pity, 2019), and cuts to welfare and public spending (Shoddy, 2016). Her most recent project, Any work that wanted doing, brings together disabled people’s voices from the past and present, as disabled artists respond to the hidden histories of disabled mill workers. The exhibition makes links between disabled workers of the past and the situation of disabled people today.

Gill is interested in the intersection of disabled people’s lives with textile heritage in the north of England, as well as with contemporary textile arts. She is based in Leeds.

Gill gained an MA in Curation Practices from Leeds Arts University in 2018.

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