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Lewis Prosser

Lewis Prosser is the curator of The Turner House Gallery and the Cultural Development Officer for Penarth, South Wales. In addition to his curatorial work, he is also a performance artist and basket maker.

Prosser graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2015 and subsequently worked with the alternative MFA project, The School of the Damned. A vocal advocate for self-organised education, he adopts a collaborative and open approach to curating exhibitions and events. He emphasises the role of the curator as a facilitator for ideas rather than arbiters of taste, avoiding reliance on established notions.

Passionate about the arts, Prosser frequently collaborates with artists and groups without formal higher education to produce high-quality exhibitions. His curatorial interests span intangible cultural heritage, crafting heritage, and regional identities, exploring the interplay between objecthood and entertainment. Inspired by the civic traditions of the British Isles, he creates moments of wonder and rebellion in both his work as a curator and as an artist.

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