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William Titley

William Titley is a dual-heritage British artist of South Asian descent. He has a Ph.D. from Manchester School of Arts and is a Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts at The University of Central Lancashire. In 2012, he co-founded and directed In-Situ Arts in Lancashire, with the aim of embedding art into everyday life.

He has exhibited work across Europe, the UK, the USA, India, and Pakistan, including work held in UK museum collections. Developing projects with the community where he has lived all his life, he uses music, sculpture, performance, photography, painting, and film to make art that emerges from intimate social relations with people, places, and the environment.

William is also known for founding ‘Pavilion’ in Lancashire, a gallery where artists spent 24 hours making a show. More recent projects include ‘Demolition Street’, ‘Gentlemen’s Wardrobe’, ‘Time Machine’, and ‘[birdsong]’, all of which reveal something of the material of social art practice and the potential of a social aesthetic.

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