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Inter Scape: South Asian British women artists, 17 October 2022

17 October 2022
Convened by Jasmir Creed and Professor Kristen Kreider

abstract looking painting in very deep reds and greens, an indistinct organic form at the centre
Jai Chuhan, Dancer 2012 oil on canvas 120 x 180 cm

The seminar explored South Asian British women artists contributions to contemporary art in presentations by artist Naiza Khan, art historian Rina Arya, curator Uthra Rajgopal and artist Uzma Sultan.

The Inter Space seminar focused on insufficient exposure of British South Asian artists as a group in exhibitions, in common and arguably more so than women from other ethnic minority groups. The seminar explored reasons including racism, and misogyny from within and outside British South Asian cultures, identified strategies for redressing this imbalance, with input from artists, curators and writers who have a leading role in the development of contemporary art through their practice.  

Research Outcomes and Outputs  

The dialogue from the seminar led to useful considerations including: misogyny within the South Asian British community, lack of representation and opportunities, how to increase a sense of empowerment for South Asian British women artists, how to find opportunities and move forward, dialogue and mobility, managing responsibilities re care and family, how to gain better access and networks within a larger framework of establishment culture in terms of race, diversity, art market, and uneven terrain re the market and gender disparity and often a drive for diversity but no follow-up of how this happens.  

Outputs from the seminar have included greater dialogue and networking among artists, writers and curators. For example, art theorist Rina Arya and artist Jai Chuhan have convened a research group titled South Asian British Art Network (SABAN) and new exhibition proposals in progress.  

The seminar laid the foundations for being awarded British Art Network funding for a new research group based at Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, titled South Asian British and East Asian British artists (later Chai Shai: Asian British Art) co-led by Professor Kristen Kreider, Jasmir Creed and Bindu Mehra, who are both artists and PhD candidates. The group activities will include seminars exploring insufficient exposure of Asian British artists as a group and strategies for redressing this.