Posted by Rosie Jennings on December 9th, 2024.
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Edinburgh Printmakers
Thursday 12 December, 17:00–18:00 GMT
Join Kinngait Studios and Edinburgh Printmakers for an online talk as part of the series ‘The Art of printmaking International’. In 1959, Kinngait Studios was established through the West Baffin Co-operative in what was then known as Cape Dorset, Northwest Territories (now Kinngait, Nunavut). Every year since then, the studio has released a coveted collection of prints.
Over the decades, the studio has developed programs for lithography, engraving, etching, and stonecut – a uniquely northern form of relief printmaking inspired by Japanese woodblock. Kinngait Studios is known as one of the pillars of contemporary Inuit art, and is the longest continuously-running printmaking studio in Canada.
This programme of talks run by Edinburgh Printmakers aims to build relationships between similar printmaking studios around the world. Invited representatives of each studio, as well as artist members, students or collaborators will give a talk and introduce their organisation, work, projects and facilities to an international audience of creative printmakers.
Upcoming talks will feature Powerhouse Arts in New York City, Il Bisonte Foundation in Florence, Italy and Spike Print Studio in Bristol.
Find more information and book your place here.