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Event | Screening and Q&A: Through the Olive Trees

Muslim Arts Network
Grand Hall, The Whitworth
Manchester, M15 6ER
Thursday 5 December, 18:00–20:00 GMT

Join the Muslim Arts Network for a special screening of Through the Olive Trees, a masterwork by Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami.

  • Doors at 17:30 where Chai Tea will be served
  • Film starts at 18:00
  • Q&A and in conversation at 19:30
  • Event finish 20:00

Set in a remote village in northern Iran, the film explores the intersection of art and reality, telling a layered story of unrequited love and resilience amidst the aftershocks of an earthquake. Known for his poetic visual style and contemplative storytelling, Kiarostami crafts a cinematic experience that is at once intimate and profound.
This screening is open to everyone, from Kiarostami enthusiasts to newcomers interested in exploring Iranian cinema. The event will also feature an optional post-screening discussion, providing a space for attendees to share reflections and delve into the film’s themes of connection, resilience, and cultural heritage.

Please book via The Whitworth website.