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Symposium | Female Expression through Craft and Design in the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries

A la Ronde | National Trust
Reed Hall, Exeter University, EX4 4QR and online
Thursday 11 July 2024, 09:30–17:00 BST

The National Trust is delighted to announce plans for this Symposium, as part of the ‘A la Ronde: Conserving the Past, Creating the Future’ Project.

Intended to forge new bonds with researchers and academic professionals, find synergies with similar projects and properties, and to share stories and discoveries from our recent conservation work in a broader context, the Symposium will be offered in hybrid form, with presentations both in-person and online. We are hoping to hear from a wide range of external voices to bring context and new perspectives to our work. We welcome both returning and new contacts to add their voices to the conversation.

We are happy to receive additional offers of contributions, please get in touch to discuss.

For more information, including the provisional programme, please visit the National Trust website.