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BAN Annual Conference – Day 2, 17/11/2022

Curating in the Contemporary: the art school, museum, and the academy.
Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Art Dyson Building, Hester Road, London, SW11 and online.

Convened by Victoria Walsh. Featuring Kirsty Ogg, David Dibosa, Ben Cranfield, Andrea Phillips, Gavin Wade and Lucy Rose Solitt.

How has the practices of curating, and the rise of the expanded field of the ‘curatorial’ changed the relation of knowledge, expertise, and interests between the museum and the academy, and their audiences and publics?

The first session will consider how the curatorial has disrupted the role and place of art history as the key knowledge field and area of expertise for museum practitioners, and will ask what kind of knowledge, education and skills are now needed by curators working in the contemporary.

With the increasing emphasis on the digital, and research and collaboration between the museum and the academy, the second session will discuss what the value of interdisciplinary research has been over the last decade and how it has – or could – contribute to the contemprarisation of the museum, particularly in light of the policy and funding focus in the UK on STEM /STEAM agendas, and ‘Grand Challenges’.