Dr. Nela Milic is an artist and Senior Lecturer at LCC, UAL. She has delivered projects for ROH, Barbican, ACE, John Lewis, Al Jazeera, Oxo Tower, LIFT, London Film Festival etc.
Nela ran Refugees and the Arts Initiative – a British national organisation for the ‘refugee arts’. Her work has been displayed at the Olympic stadium in London. She won the ECF Artistic award and Southwark community arts award for Here Comes Everybody project in 2015, which she wrote about in Art and the City (Ren & Luger, 2017).
She conducted research for AHRC – Art and Reconciliation, Gulbenkian Foundation about participatory art, GLA about creative responses to COVID-19 and worked on the project TimeCase with a Grundtvig grant. She has been funded by AAH and BSA for research projects about the sculptor Olga Jevric and inauguration of Postsocialism and Art research platform at UAL. She is an Associate of TrAIN and Social Design Institute.
Nela is a co-chair of Art and Memory Working Group of Memory Studies Association and a member of CA²RE. She evaluates EU COST and is a consultant for the Science Fund of Serbia. Nela is on editorial board of the Journal of Arts and Communities.