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Categorised: Disability in British Art
Tagged: Disability in British Art
For this meeting we will explore how disability is perceived, understood and challenged. Artist and PHD researcher Rachel Gadsden Professor of museum Studies and co-director of the research centre for Museum and Galleries at University of Leicester Richard Sandell along with Filmmaker and PHD researcher Richard Butchins will deliver papers that explore how disability is discussed in art history from the perspectives of museums and artists.
Focusing on the work of Francis Bacon, Rachel Gadsden will talk about her practice-based research PhD encompassing research into artists to ask questions around creativity of the disabled body.
Richard Sandell will draw on years of research into Disability Activism in museums. Richard will explore strategies for challenging ableist narratives of disability in cultural organisations and routes to nurturing ethical and active forms of interpretation.
Richard Butchins will discuss his PHD research exploring the current state of disability representation and the “ownership of narrative” by exploring the work of William Blake, a British artist whose work was distinctly shaped by impairment.